How to pay NJ Surcharge online- NJMCDIRECT?

By | January 26, 2023

How to pay NJ Surcharge online: NJ Surcharge is an amount that needs to be paid by the drivers who have done the violation of rules set by the New Jersey Surcharge Violation System. The violation points will start added to the database of the drivers and the surcharge is an additional amount that drivers will pay for violating traffic rules.

So every driver needs to make sure that if they are violating the traffic rules then they need to pay more amount. It also impacts their driving score and can make their license canceled for a long time.

Pay NJ Surcharge online

Although the process of paying NJ Surcharge is not tough as you think. You don’t need any expertise to use this platform because it has a very basic interface and the options are available properly. You may need to pay 2 or 3% as a transaction fee. Well, you are saving a good amount of time by paying that amount, as you don’t need to stand in a large queue to pay your Surcharge amount.

Pay NJ Surcharge Online

It means that the cops will not drag you to the court but the driver needs to be very careful or else they need to pay the extra amount than the actual ticket charge. The details will be available on your ticket and the best option to prevent paying the Surcharge amount is to drive safely. If you want to know how to pay NJ Surcharge online then just stay with us in this article.

How to pay NJ Surcharge online?

Paying Surcharge online is an easy task that can be done by anyone easily. If you want to know then just follow the steps that we have given below.

  • First of all, you need to go to the official website of New Jersey Surcharge by visiting and start filling in all the details.
  • The details you need to fill in are the number of your driving license.
  • Then you need to add the surcharge number to the empty box.
  • Now fill in the judgment number
  • In the end, you need to fill the number of installments in which you want to pay all the due fines

That’s it, in this way, users can easily pay NJ Surcharge online.


The above details will be helpful to let you know how you can pay NJ Surcharge Online. We hope that you have liked this information, as we have explained things briefly.

NJMCDIRECT not working


What if I don’t pay the NJ Surcharge?

Ans. If you don’t pay NJ Surcharge or have not fixed the installation plan then your license will get suspended indefinitely. Even, you need to pay $ 100 if you want to get your license again.

How can I check my NJ Surcharge?

Ans. Well, if you want to check NJ Surcharge then you can call this number (844) 424-6829 and can get details briefly.

How long do you need to pay NJ Surcharge?

Ans. All these surcharges are billed each year for three years.

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